BSC TV Award Criteria
- Entry is open to all Television Dramas that have had their first transmission on British television, terrestrial, cable, satellite, Netflix or other internet channel during the qualifying period of 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023. Please note, the drama can have been aired earlier overseas, however, to qualify it must have had its irst transmission on British TV, Netflix or other internet channel oficially available to view in the UK, during the qualifying period.
- Entries must be: single drama, longer drama production/mini-series/limited series with a single theme and storyline, or one episode of a regular drama series. If the drama is televised as episodes, please only submit an entry from one episode.
- The applicant must carry a sole credit for their entry.
- Only one submission per applicant may be submitted.
- Applicants must initially submit a ten minute selection from the submitted drama by upload to Vimeo at You will need to create an account but it is free to do so (see important information - item 9).
- The uploaded entry must carry a front title card of 5 seconds duration with the name of the production and episode (if not a single drama). This is not counted in the 10-minute limit. It is worth giving the same information to the name of the uploaded file if possible.
- The ten minute selection can be a continuous excerpt or series of excerpts, each no shorter than 60 seconds in duration and in the original aspect ratio from the chosen single drama or episode of a drama series. Complete scenes do not need to be shown, but excerpts must not be edited to alter the original sequence of shots or scene order.
- The excerpt(s) must carry the original sound track only.
- The video should be uploaded to Vimeo in HD or 2K resolution in the highest quality possible.
Please visit: for more info. It is important that ’download’ is allowed as this allows the us to view the material without Vimeo compression.
- Please include permission for this to be then uploaded/linked to the BSC TV Award Vimeo channel which will be password protected and shared by the jury/ full members to access and vote.
It is extremely important that you check your upload on the Vimeo site using the link you provide. Some previous entries have not been in the correct aspect ratio and did not play cleanly.
- Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit a copy of the whole drama or a single complete episode via vimeo, wetransfer, or a USB drive for final jury viewing.
- There is no entry fee.
- The Award will be presented at the BSC Awards Ceremony 3rd Feb 2024.
- To apply, please complete the entry form and submit it with a vimeo link -BSC TV Award - Entry Form