The BSC attaches great importance to the selection of new members. We actively seek out a broad and diverse membership to help shape the future of our Society as well as our industry. We believe that the integrity of our Society relies on a consistent, thorough and fair membership selection process - a process that is regularly reviewed

There are five categories of membership detailed here:






All invitations are at the discretion of the Board of Governors.



Full BSC Accredited Membership is by invitation from the BSC Board of Governors and is available to cinematographers who have completed a substantial body of work which exhibits a very high standard of cinematography over a period of at least five years. A summary of the full proposal requirements are outlined below

Full BSC members are entitled to use the ‘BSC’ initials after their names on correspondence and CV’s as well as on screen credits.

Proposals for BSC Full accredited membership are accepted between November and 15th April, (which may be subject to change). The review and selection process taking place between 16th April and end of May and announcements being made in June. (May be subject to change). 

BSC members may request the Full Member Proposal Requirements along with guidance and additional information from the BSC Office:



1.1. Membership to the BSC is by invitation only.

1.2. A suitable candidate needs to be proposed and seconded by Full or Full Honorary Accredited members of the society of at least three years good standing. The proposer will be required to write a statement to the candidates suitability for membership and along with the seconder support and guide the candidate through all aspects of the membership proposal process.

1.3. Patron members of at least five years good standing are welcome to nominate suitable candidates to be put forward for membership. A Full and/or Honorary accredited member of the society would need to be found to act as the candidates proposer and a seconder. As nominator the Patron member may write a supporting statement endorsing the candidates suitability for membership.



2.1. The candidate needs to have completed a substantial body of work which exhibits a very high standard of cinematography over a period of at least five years, demonstrating creativity and an appreciation of the art of cinema and more than just professional competence.

2.2. The candidate is required to be a working cinematographer and not retired and in all cases should carry the main cinematography credit for the work presented.

2.3. The candidate should be a British citizen or have British residency and/or have lived and worked in the United Kingdom for a period of not less than three years prior to their proposal.



3.1. The candidate with the support of their proposer will be required to complete an online submission form and supply a full CV along with a biography and personal statement detailing the candidates journey to becoming a cinematographer, people they’ve worked with, influences, motivations, paths taken and so on.

3.2. Candidates will be required to submit three separate 10 minute examples of their work, with material drawn from Feature, TV Drama and Documentary productions that have been aired, streamed, screened or released theatrically and generally made available to the public at the time of submission. A fourth example of additional material, of between 5 and 10 minutes, drawn from other genres i.e short films, commercials, music videos etc, may be included if it supports the proposal and is considered appropriate by their proposer and seconder. 



Associate BSC Membership is by invitation from the BSC Board of Governors and is available to camera operators as well as specialist cinematographers who do not fit the proposal requirements for Full BSC Accredited Membership.

Associate BSC members are entitled to use the wording ‘Associate BSC’ or ‘Assoc. BSC’ after their names on correspondence and CV’s but not on screen credits.

The Associate Membership Proposal Requirements are broadly inline with the requirements for Full Members as per the summary above, with the exception that Associate Members candidates are required to submit only two 10 minute examples of their work rather than three.

Proposals for BSC Associate membership are accepted between 1 November to 15th April. (which may be subject to change). The review and selection process taking place between 16th April and end of May and announcements being made in June.

BSC members may request the Associate Member Proposal Requirements and guidance from the BSC Office:



Full or Associate members who have reached the age of 70 and/or have retired, are entitled to Honorary Membership and would no longer be obliged to pay an annual subscription, providing they have been a paying member of the Society for a period of ten years previously.  Any member who qualifies (and who wishes to change their membership status) should inform the Secretary.  Full and Associate Members becoming Honorary Members would retain the same voting rights and will continue to be able to propose and second new members.



Patron Membership is open to companies directly associated with cinematographers and the camera department. Companies may apply for Patron Membership and if considered eligible by the Board an invitation will be sent. Patron Companies shall nominate a named representative to attend Society’s activities but would have no voting or electoral rights.

Companies should have a minimum of 5 years trading in the industry and need to provide the names of 3 BSC cinematographers they have worked with.

Patron members of at least five years good standing are welcome to nominate suitable candidates to be put forward for membership. A Full and/or Full Honorary accredited member of the society would need to be found to act as the candidates proposer and a seconder. As nominator the Patron member may write a supporting statement endorsing the candidates suitability for membership.

Please read the fact sheet here and contact the BSC Office for more information and application form  -



This category of membership is only for those whose work once involved close ties with the Society and have since retired, or who have offered or continue to offer help to the society outside of their normal operation or, in general, support the work of the cinematographer though not part of the industry. However, the membership is not open to existing service company heads or managers, cinematographers or crew members. Friends membership is given solely at the discretion of the Board of Governors.

Friends are invited to Society’s events but have no voting rights nor can they use the initials ‘BSC’ after their name. There are a few Honorary Friends within this category who have been rewarded for long service to the Society.

Please contact the BSC Office for more information -