September 3, 2020

BECTU Sustainability Document Support


As a camera crew working across the industry, we understand how challenging it can be to bring our environmentally friendly practices from home into work. To promote best sustainable practices within the department, the Camera Branch’s Sustainability working group has designed a handy guide to be shared amongst crew.

This document can be used as inspiration or a framework for developing your team’s practices from prep right through until de-rig. This will cover everything from discussions with production, to suggestions for re-usable consumables, minimising waste and efficient power consumption.  

The document will be under revision as our collective practices will always be evolving. Before sharing with others, please check this webpage regularly to ensure you are working with the most recent version (currently v1.0 as of 04/08/2020).

You can download an A3 poster for your test room

For more information, to get involved, or to simply share your own sustainable suggestions, please contact: