November 23, 2023

BSC Board of Governors Elections 2023-24


At the BSC 2023 Annual General Election (AGM) four new Governors were elected to fulfil five year terms. 

  • Zac Nicholson BSC
  • Fabian Wagner ASC BSC
  • Jake Polonsky BSC
  • Nic Knowland BSC

We want to take a moment to thank outgoing Governors; Phil Meheux BSC, Angus Hudson BSC, Oliver Curtis BSC and Nigel Walters BSC for there service. 

The 2023-24 Board of Governors 

Christopher Ross BSC

Ula Pontikos BSC
Laurie Rose BSC
Oliver Stapleton BSC

Stuart Bentley BSC
Balazs Bolygo BSC HSC
John de Borman BSC AFC
John Daly BSC
Mike Eley BSC
James Friend ASC BSC
Adriano Goldman ASC BSC ABC
Nina Kellgren BSC
Nic Knowland BSC
Stephen Murphy BSC ISC
Zac Nicholson BSC
Jake Polonsky BSC
Kate Reid BSC
Fabian Wagner ASC BSC